
1. 當遇有熱帶氣旋(風球)或持續大雨時,本校將根據教育局之通告而作出 以下安排:

 When there is a tropical cyclone (typhoon) or continuous heavy rain, the school will make the following arrangements according to the notice of the Education Bureau:



All schools, including kindergartens, are to operate as usual unless advised otherwise.



Classes will be suspended. You should stay at home.

2. 如在上課時間內天文台懸掛三號風球或發出「紅色」或「黑色」暴雨警告信號,學生應留在校內,直至放學時間而情況亦適宜他們回家,才可離校,家長無須急於前往學校接回子女。

 If Typhoon Signal No. 3 is hoisted or a "red" or "black" rainstorm warning signal is issued during school hours, students should stay in school until school ends or conditions are suitable for them to return home. Parents do not need to rush back to school to pick up their children.

3. 在天氣惡劣的情況下,家長應密切留意電台或電視台的公佈,亦可因應住所附近的天氣及路面交通情況,自行決定是否讓子女上學。

In the event of inclement weather, parents should pay close attention to radio or television announcements. They can also decide on their own whether to let their children go to school based on the weather and road traffic conditions near their homes.